SCEE Group has a Board-endorsed Corporate Governance Framework aimed at ensuring the business is managed effectively and ethically and that risks are appropriately identified, monitored and addressed.
The current Board members are as follows:
Karl Paganin (Independent Chairman)
Graeme Dunn (CEO/Managing Director)
Simon Buchhorn (Independent Non-executive Director)
Paul Chisholm (Independent Non-executive Director)
Michael McNulty (Independent Non-executive Director)
In order to better manage its responsibilities, the Board has established an Audit and Risk Management Committee and a Nomination and Remuneration Committee. Each Committee has adopted a charter approved by the Board, setting out its responsibilities. The current Committee members are as follows:
Audit and Risk Management Committee
Michael McNulty (Chairman)
Simon Buchhorn
Paul Chisholm
Nomination and Remuneration Committee
Karl Paganin (Chairman)
Paul Chisholm
SCEE Group has in place corporate governance practices which are formally embodied in corporate governance policies and codes adopted by the Board (“Policies”). The aim of the policies is to ensure that the Group is effectively managed, risks are identified, monitored and assessed, and appropriate disclosures are made.
In preparing the policies, the Directors considered the ASX Corporate Governance Council’s Principles and Recommendations. The Directors incorporated the Principles and Recommendations into the policies to the extent that they were appropriate taking into account the company’s size, structure, resources and activities.
Corporate Governance Statement
Further detail on SCEE Group’s corporate governance practices can be found in the Corporate Governance Statement as the link below:
Corporate Governance Statement
Corporate Governance Policies
SCEE Group’s key corporate governance policies can be found at the links below:
Audit and Risk Management Committee Charter